I'm Kristin.  I am a wife, designer, Christian and for now a SAHM.  My husband and I are parents to three kids- Dylan Archer, Kyler Jude and Noelle Rose. Despite the name, this isn’t a mommy blog and you won’t find sponsored content here. My target audience is actually my children when they grow up if they wish to reflect on their childhood so everything I share has them at the forefront of my mind and secondly those who wish to follow along my journey. I created this space to document my family's adventures and lessons I've learned along the way.  The Mom Jungle is a modern interpretation of both the family newsletter and scrapbook.  

I call this The Mom Jungle because motherhood is fun and messy, filled with laughter and sometimes heartache… it truly is a jungle out there!

Half-Birthdays + Starting Solids

Half-Birthdays + Starting Solids

It's mind boggling to think that my son Kyler is now SIX months old!  For some reason, time seems to be flying by faster with my second baby.  Can any of you mamas to more than one relate to this?  Kyler is my sweet, easygoing boy with the most infectious smile!  He is mesmerized by his older brother Dylan, loves cuddles and his Sophie!  While he isn't sitting up or crawling yet, he certainly is inching his way around and has a knack for getting wedged under furniture.  The pace has quickened with two kids on the move, but it's so rewarding watching them interact with one another.  My heart may just burst!

Now that Kyler has reached his half-birthday, we have started solids.  When his older brother turned six months old, I wrote a blog post called "STARTING SOLIDS" documenting Dylan's dietary evolution.

Kyler has been eating simple, one-ingredient, homemade purées such as sweet potato, banana, avocado, organic unsweetened applesauce and a little bit of rice cereal for its iron fortification.  Soon I will introduce additional fruit/vegetables and even meat in the mix.  As Kyler grows, he will be given the opportunity to feed himself which some dub "Baby Wed Leaning."  Overall I take a very cautious and conservative approach to this to minimize the risk of choking, but I want to encourage exploration and active participation as well as foster a positive relationship with food.  If you want to read more about infant feeding methods check out "BABY LED WEANING & SPOON FEEDING."

One of my wish list items for both of my babies was the Baby Breeza: One Step Baby Food Maker, however; I couldn't justify the expense of this luxury item when my oven, blender and/or food processor did the trick.  Luckily my friend was selling hers which was in pristine condition and at a fraction of the price!  I am thoroughly enjoying the convenience the Baby Breeza provides... and that I don't need to turn on my oven in this heatwave!  I absolutely recommend this item for baby registries.

For your viewing pleasure, here is a little clip of Kyler trying his first few bites of homemade sweet potato.  Pure cuteness! 😍


 *As stated in previous blog posts, I am not sponsored by any of the companies mentioned above. 

Snapshot Of Summer [2016]

Snapshot Of Summer [2016]

Hello World

Hello World