Festive Feta, Sweet Potato & Pomegranate Salad

If your holidays look anything like ours, you have not one but several Christmas gatherings.  With all the feasting, I begin to crave healthy and light dishes.  This is my second year bringing this delicious salad to a Christmas dinner.  Packed full of greens and roasted sweet potatoes it's nutritious yet festive with pomegranate seeds and feta. 

Give it a try! It makes for a great side dish or even a low-key meal in itself.

The One Who Cradles Our Desires

This afternoon during Dylan's nap, I spent some quiet time reading the Word and praying.  I wasn't expecting to become so undone as I read my devotional today.  It was just what I needed to hear.  Don't you just love those God-ordained moments?

Christmas Crack: Saltine Toffee Cookies

Tomorrow I am meeting my high school girlfriends for our annual Christmas cookie exchange.   I hadn't decided what I was going to bake, but when my baby was up at 3:30 am and then again at 6:00 am this morning- hello 9 month sleep regression-  I knew I needed something easy and quick.

I decided to make this "Christmas Crack" introduced to me by my mother-in-law.  They require only 4 ingredients and a few minutes to whip up, but WHOA MAMA! They are that good.  

Oh Christmas Tree

These are my favourite holiday ornaments which are the ones from my childhood.  See Santa with a missing limb?  These aren't my fashionable ornaments, but I love the nostalgic memories of Christmas past they evoke (even if they are scraped and scuffed)!

Overnight Oats

Today was a coffee drink'n, teeth'n and crash napp'n kind of day. (Yawn)  Being healthy is important to me so that I can live life to the fullest and also set a good example for my family.  I find that one of my biggest hindrances to not eating healthy is lack of planning.  Therefore, it's necessary that I prepare healthy meals and snacks in advance so that I don't opt for the junky, but all too convenient option.

These overnight oats are packed with nutrition and flavour.  It also keeps me feeling fuller longer which is good for the 'ole waistline too!  Enjoy!

Painting Pumpkins

Confession- I bought a jumbo pumpkin weeks ago with every intention of making a jack-o'-lantern and it's still in my car! Teething and sickness have rocked our household, and then I stumbled upon these cooking pumpkins for a whopping .45 cents for a pack of 6! Way less time and mess, but still trying to keep things fun & festive... plus anything miniature-sized is cute, right?

The "Teething" Fairy

This past Monday Dylan got his first tooth!  I had ordered a Sophie weeks ago, but as it had been on back order, it didn't arrive until today!  I decided to give it to him from the "Teething Fairy" (the little sister of the Tooth Fairy).  

No-Sew Sushi Costume

Halloween is just around the corner.  I personally don't like to focus on the scary aspect of this holiday, but rather celebrate dressing up, interacting with neighbours and of course the CANDY! 

It was important to me that I make Dylan's Halloween costume.  I have ZERO seamstress skills, but with a little imagination and LiquidStitchā„¢, I made this baby sushi costume.  I can assure you no babies were eaten as a result of this project!

Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins

I made these scrumptious "Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffins" for a church gathering at a cottage yesterday.  Unfortunately the weather wasn't warm enough to take a baby... especially a cranky, teething one.   It's was one of those days... however; Justin's coworkers Monday just got a little better.  I NEED to get these out of the house as they are that good!  Trust me.

This treat perfectly encapsulates the taste of autumn with pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves.  Enjoy!