All in Celebrate

Wild One

How is it that our youngest is already ONE?  On January 5, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Kyler Jude officially has spent a full year in the outside world.  Our little man is sweet, silly, easy going and the perfect addition to our family.

Dylan Archer is 2

Dylan is now TWO!  I never truly understood how time flies until I became a parent.  Birthdays are bittersweet milestones… okay mostly sweet, but there’s a gnawing ache in my heart as I realize just how quickly my firstborn is growing up!  With that said, it’s not everyday that you turn two so a party was in order!

Holiday Gift Guide: Toddlers

Isn't it crazy to think that in two weeks Boxing Day will be here and Christmas will be over?  I love the lead up to the holidays, but I'm ready to celebrate Jesus' birth with my family- and see Dylan open his gifts!  For those of you who have some last minute shopping to do, here is my 2015 holiday gift guide for toddlers.