I'm Kristin.  I am a wife, designer, Christian and for now a SAHM.  My husband and I are parents to three kids- Dylan Archer, Kyler Jude and Noelle Rose. Despite the name, this isn’t a mommy blog and you won’t find sponsored content here. My target audience is actually my children when they grow up if they wish to reflect on their childhood so everything I share has them at the forefront of my mind and secondly those who wish to follow along my journey. I created this space to document my family's adventures and lessons I've learned along the way.  The Mom Jungle is a modern interpretation of both the family newsletter and scrapbook.  

I call this The Mom Jungle because motherhood is fun and messy, filled with laughter and sometimes heartache… it truly is a jungle out there!

The Glowing Ginger

The Glowing Ginger

I’ve decided to create a series on my blog called The Glowing Ginger dedicated to all things health and wellness.

I should preface this by clarifying what this is not.  This is not the launch of a fitness business.  I am not affiliated with any particular product or regime.  I feel there is an over saturation of self-appointed fitness gurus and coaches at the moment.  As someone who previously worked at a gym, I respect the level of education and certification personal trainers and nutritionists acquire.  We’re talking university degrees and regular and rigorous training.  I will not try to sell you anything.  Other than being a paying customer of the clean-eating platform THAT CLEAN LIFE, I am simply a girl trying to live healthy for my family and myself.

My reasons for doing this are simple:

  1. My family's overall physical health

  2. Personal accountability

  3. Inspire other mamas to live a healthy lifestyle on their own terms

Together we are better.  Let’s do this!

Camp Kintail

Camp Kintail

Baby #2 Must Haves

Baby #2 Must Haves