I'm Kristin.  I am a wife, designer, Christian and for now a SAHM.  My husband and I are parents to three kids- Dylan Archer, Kyler Jude and Noelle Rose. Despite the name, this isn’t a mommy blog and you won’t find sponsored content here. My target audience is actually my children when they grow up if they wish to reflect on their childhood so everything I share has them at the forefront of my mind and secondly those who wish to follow along my journey. I created this space to document my family's adventures and lessons I've learned along the way.  The Mom Jungle is a modern interpretation of both the family newsletter and scrapbook.  

I call this The Mom Jungle because motherhood is fun and messy, filled with laughter and sometimes heartache… it truly is a jungle out there!

Big Boys' Room Blueprint

Big Boys' Room Blueprint

Now that I have two boys, I dream of the day that they can share a room.  We live in a 3 (with the potential of a 4) bedroom house and plan on having more kids; so the fact that Dylan and Kyler are both boys and only 22 months apart makes them ideal roommates.  As I have designed both a nursery and boy bedroom, I have kept the big picture in mind.  In the longterm these wise decor decisions will save time, work and money.

This big boy room will roll out in two phases.  The first will be Dylan's big boy room where he transitions from a crib to a bed.  The second will be Dylan and Kyler's shared room.


The colour scheme for Kyler's nursery is the same for Dylan's big boy room.  Every purchase that isn't specifically designated for a nursery will eventually be featured in their shared room.  The colours I have chosen are depicted in this quilt: black, white with accents of grey, amber, teal and ice blue.

Colour Scheme.png


How cool is this white washed plank wall?  I love that the white wash keeps it light and bright, yet the wood grain still peaks through.  

via Three Little Crowns

via Three Little Crowns


I love a good IKEA hack and this is one of the coolest yet!  This is the KURA reversible bed.  It's originally designed to be a single bed, but some creative minds converted it into a bunk bed.  I like that it is much lower than your standard bunk bed- which is great when you have a 3 or 4  year old sleeping on the top bunk.


With the bedding I chose this heather grey comforter which reminds me of their Dad's sweatpants.  For some reason, that holds some appeal to me!  As for accent pillows, I wanted both beds to complement each other without matching.  



When it comes to design, I am somewhat of a minimalist, but my philosophy is that kid rooms should be fun and whimsical.  A marquee letter "E", fun decals, and even a cardboard deer head are an eclectic combination that help achieve this.  The IKEA light is perfect to hang by both boys' bedsides.  I can picture Dylan reading his little books from the top bunk now!  


A black and white striped teepee will be in the corner of the room.  Not only does it look incredible, but I can picture the boys having hours of fun reading and playing in there.  This was actually Dylan's big Christmas gift last year and he loves it!  These vintage, homemade stuffed animals affectionately called, "Professor Bandit" and "Diego" respectively, were bought when each boy was born. They will be sported on their beds.  For toy storage, these painted flour sack bags are both practical and provide a pop of whimsy in the space.

You may have noticed there isn't a whole lot of storage or furniture besides the bed mentioned.  This is intentional as I want to maximize space for play.  To facilitate this, their closet will contain a wardrobe system with storage bins below.  This eliminates the need for a chest of drawers and large storage.

I hope you enjoyed this blueprint of my future big boy bedroom.  I'll post progress updates here on TMJ.  Thanks for reading! xx

Surviving a Newborn

Surviving a Newborn

Meet Kyler Jude

Meet Kyler Jude