I'm Kristin.  I am a wife, designer, Christian and for now a SAHM.  My husband and I are parents to three kids- Dylan Archer, Kyler Jude and Noelle Rose. Despite the name, this isn’t a mommy blog and you won’t find sponsored content here. My target audience is actually my children when they grow up if they wish to reflect on their childhood so everything I share has them at the forefront of my mind and secondly those who wish to follow along my journey. I created this space to document my family's adventures and lessons I've learned along the way.  The Mom Jungle is a modern interpretation of both the family newsletter and scrapbook.  

I call this The Mom Jungle because motherhood is fun and messy, filled with laughter and sometimes heartache… it truly is a jungle out there!

From Starter To Finish

From Starter To Finish

The grief I have experienced in this last few weeks comes in waves. It’s a collective grief; a personal grief; a parental grief. At times [far and few in-between] I feel as if I am drowning by the surge and magnitude of this pandemic. At other times, I feel like I am treading just to say afloat [#survivalmode]. Thankfully there are moments when the waves break and waters calm as I acclimatize and regain a semblance of normality.  As I have stated in my last post, I am intentionally aiming to view Covid-19 through a wide-angle lens, all while coping by focusing on the things I can control.

In my last post, “A Mark of Maturity”, I referenced Romans 12:15. As I go about each day, another verse as been on my heart:

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.
— Psalm 118:24

I am very mindful that as the primary caregiver for my children, I play the biggest role in forming their memory bank during this pandemic.  While I cannot protect them from the limitations this situation imposes on us, I can choose to stimulate them and facilitate fulfilling days- days where we bask in the sunshine, FaceTime with loved ones, learn and explore new things, bake yummy treats, play and laugh.

To prioritize our mental health, we have delved enthusiastically into homeschooling, tackled our spring cleaning, continued home workouts as well as experimenting in the kitchen. My favourite achievement thus far has been making my very first sourdough bread from scratch [starter recipe/ bread recipe]. It’s been cathartic and therapeutic going back to the basics and kneading that dough. It was a neat little science project for my son, Dylan as I taught him all about fermentation. There was so much love put into this little loaf!

Today, I thought I would share some photos of how have spent our days in lockdown. Admittedly it is a highlight reel, but I am grateful for these light-hearted moments. When I reflect on this difficult chapter, i will remember its beauty as we found joy in life’s simple pleasures.

The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm

A Mark of Maturity [A Lesson From Laundry]

A Mark of Maturity [A Lesson From Laundry]