I'm Kristin.  I am a wife, designer, Christian and for now a SAHM.  My husband and I are parents to three kids- Dylan Archer, Kyler Jude and Noelle Rose. Despite the name, this isn’t a mommy blog and you won’t find sponsored content here. My target audience is actually my children when they grow up if they wish to reflect on their childhood so everything I share has them at the forefront of my mind and secondly those who wish to follow along my journey. I created this space to document my family's adventures and lessons I've learned along the way.  The Mom Jungle is a modern interpretation of both the family newsletter and scrapbook.  

I call this The Mom Jungle because motherhood is fun and messy, filled with laughter and sometimes heartache… it truly is a jungle out there!

My "Why"

My "Why"

My heart is heavy after hearing press conferences about sobering statistics, the overwhelming task of “flattening the curve,” and the longterm changes to our everyday routine. I just keep pining a bit for the naivety I had last week. Today, I learned that Alberta has cancelled the remainder of the school year, and while I respect that choice, my heart was grieving at the thought of son Dylan potentially missing out on the rest of kindergarten. He loves school!

There is no denying that this is all depressing. Covid-19 sucks. While we are not being called to to war like past generations, we are being called to say home as much as possible [I’m sure you’ve seen that meme by now] and it isn’t fun feeling sidelined. I have heard of some who have recently travelled and are not properly self-isolating and putting us all at increased risk. People with symptoms and recent travel history showing up to nursing homes is infuriating and mind-boggling. People hoarding supplies in crammed SUV’s meaning some of us will go without is truly disgusting. I’ve even received some criticism and tongue-and-cheek comments about my stance on making sacrifices for the sake of others. Some may not want to “stop living life” but those actions can literally cause someone else to stop living life.. ‘cause they’ll be dead [stole that line from a friend]. I’ve been disappointed and weary at the lack of humanity I have seen this week. However; it would be remiss if we failed to acknowledge we are seeing glimmers of humanity at its best as well. #goodjobZehrs #medicalpersonnelarelegends

Perhaps we don’t stop and pause because it seems peripheral to our individual selves and families and therefore this isn’t personal. To me, this is personal.

Meet my Grandma, Brenda. She is almost 80 and has respiratory issues, yet still has a fulfilling life. She is the pillar of our family and we adore her. However; she told my father in a matter-of-fact and heartbreaking way, “Keven, they won’t give me a ventilator. It will go to someone younger.”

I don't want my grandmother to get sick and die and I hope you don’t either. While my actions don’t directly affect her as she lives a province away, they impact people like her in my community. I think of friends who have illnesses such as asthma, diabetes and Cystic Fibrosis. I think of friends whose children are immune-compromised. I am thinking of others and not just me and my healthy-a$$ hubby and kiddos! 🙈🙌🏻

All of these high-risk people I know are personally taking the proper precautions and are self-isolating- but they need our help. It’s a collective effort for all of us to do all we can to protect the vulnerable. This is backed up by facts. We have seen this play out in places like Italy where it has gotten out of control with devastating consequences, versus places like South Korea who took a radical, proactive approach. The death counts are drastically different.

If you have read this far, thank you. I know there has been a barrage of coverage on this. Please stay home. I know it’s hard, but remember your “why.” The people whom you love who are at risk. When we recognize what they have to lose, our sacrifice is put into perspective as we realize they are worth it.

Dylan is 6!

Dylan is 6!

Preparedness Not Panic

Preparedness Not Panic