I'm Kristin.  I am a wife, designer, Christian and for now a SAHM.  My husband and I are parents to three kids- Dylan Archer, Kyler Jude and Noelle Rose. Despite the name, this isn’t a mommy blog and you won’t find sponsored content here. My target audience is actually my children when they grow up if they wish to reflect on their childhood so everything I share has them at the forefront of my mind and secondly those who wish to follow along my journey. I created this space to document my family's adventures and lessons I've learned along the way.  The Mom Jungle is a modern interpretation of both the family newsletter and scrapbook.  

I call this The Mom Jungle because motherhood is fun and messy, filled with laughter and sometimes heartache… it truly is a jungle out there!

Gingerbread Playdough

Gingerbread Playdough

On Wednesday it was a blustery day. With the temperatures dipping, wind wildly whipping and snow falling, we needed some indoor fun. However; with all the treats this time of year, I was looking for a holiday themed activity that did not involve sugar. Homemade gingerbread playdough was a hit and you probably already have these ingredients in your pantry!



  • 2 cups flour

  • 1 cup salt

  • 1 TB ground ginger

  • 2 TB cinnamon

  • 2 TB veggie oil

  • 1 cup water

Mix dry ingredients together and stir. Next add the oil and slowly add water as you stir. Knead to form a ball of dough. Kyler helped make the dough and had a blast!

*As this recipe contains no cream of tartar, I only plan to keep this around for a couple weeks over the holidays. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate.



Noelle's First Year

Noelle's First Year